Citygate Network is North America’s oldest and largest community of independent, faith-based crisis shelters and life-transformation centers. In most U.S. cities, a member of the Citygate Network provides the most comprehensive homeless services available; in some cities, it is the only homeless services provider.

Through the process of a gospel-powered life transformation, the 300 organizations in the network seek to move people in desperate situations and destitute conditions to a place where they can flourish.

The breadth-of-life transformation work can be described with their eight “S” values:

  • Saved: making choices that will keep them from chronic illness and physical death;
  • Sober: no longer controlled by stimulants or depressants;

  • Stable: mentally and emotionally balanced and enjoying good health;

  • Schooled: enriched with the fundamental knowledge to be competent and competitive;

  • Skilled: being academically credentialed and set on a career path;

  • Secure: able to provide financially for themselves and their loved ones;

  • Settled: benefitting from having the same safe place of their own to stay every night;

  • Serving: giving back to the community through missional living.

Citygate’s “S” model is spot on. It seamlessly threads its 300 members together. There is no one-size-fits-all under Citygate. Combined, its members model the new continuum proposed throughout this book.